It’s about the brands and non-profits we’ve helped achieve their communications goals. It’s about the over 100 industry awards we’ve won for our clients. It’s about the agencies and brands that have worked with us on over 25 of their projects including Edelman, Burson-Marsteller, Weber Shandwick, Fleishman Hillard, Ogilvy, Golin, Ketchum, Hill & Knowlton, MSLGroup, 360PR, Allison + Partners, Macy’s, American College of Physicians, the Consumer Electronics Association, and Toys’R’Us.
Industry Pioneers
- Winners of more than 100 Awards
- Among the earliest developers of satellite and co-op satellite media tours
- Produced the first live Super Bowl commercial and then the first live Super Bowl HD spot
- Invited to provide expert testimony at US Senate hearings on government use of Video News Releases
- The first in the industry to start a video blog which became a platform to develop new digital services
- The first to develop Internet Media Tours
- Creators of the SPOKEies® the first awards program to honor in-house spokespeople
- Members of the Forbes Agency Council
- Our CEO is President-Elect of PRSA-New York
Learn More
229 W 36th St 9th Floor
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 212.736.2727